_TEXT System Variable

Example   See Also

Directs output from the \ | \\ and TEXT ... ENDTEXT text merge commands to a low-level file.


_TEXT = nFileHandle



Specifies a numeric value that determines the low-level file to which output is directed.


\ | \\ and TEXT ... ENDTEXT facilitate the merging of text with the contents of tables, memory variables, and the results of functions and expressions. Output generated by these text merge commands can be directed to the screen or a window or to a low-level file. The _TEXT system memory variable lets you direct text merge output from these commands to a low-level file.

To send output from the \ and \\ and TEXT ... ENDTEXT text merge commands to a low-level file, include the TO FileName clause in SET TEXTMERGE. The file handle of FileName is stored to _TEXT. If the file handle of another low-level file was previously stored in _TEXT, that low-level file is closed.

FCREATE( ) creates and opens low-level files and FOPEN( ) opens existing files. These functions return a positive file handle if the file is successfully created or opened. Storing this file handle to _TEXT directs any subsequent output from the \, \\ and TEXT ... ENDTEXT text merge commands to the file. Use STORE or = to store a file handle to _TEXT. You must open a low-level file with write privileges in order for it to accept output from the text merge commands.

You can close low-level files with FCLOSE( ) or CLOSE ALL. You can also use SET TEXTMERGE TO without a file name to close the low-level file whose handle is stored in _TEXT.

The startup default value of _TEXT is –1. If you are directing text merge output to a file whose file handle is stored in _TEXT, you can turn off the output to that file without closing the file by storing –1 to _TEXT. By storing different file handles and –1 to _TEXT, you can direct text merge output to alternate files.