CREATE Command

See Also

Builds a new Visual FoxPro table.


CREATE [FileName | ?]



Specifies the name of the table to create.


Displays the Create dialog box that prompts you to name the table being created.


In Visual FoxPro, if a database is open when you create a table, the table is automatically added to the database.

When running on the Windows operating system, you cannot create a table with the name of an MS-DOS device, such as CON, NUL, PRN, and COM1. You should avoid using hyphens in a table name because hyphenated table names don't appear in the Data Session window, and can cause confusion with the alias pointer (->).

A table is created by defining the name, type, and size of each field. Once the structure of the table is created, you can then add records to the table. For more information on tables, see Chapter 3, Creating Tables, in the User's Guide.