DATE( ) Function

Example   See Also

Returns the current system date, which is controlled by the operating system, or creates a year 2000-compliant Date value.


DATE([nYear, nMonth, nDay])





Specifies the year returned in the year 2000-compliant Date value. nYear can be a value from 100 to 9999.


Specifies the month returned in the year 2000-compliant Date value. nMonth can be a value from 1 to 12.


Specifies the day returned in the year 2000-compliant Date value. nDay can be a value from 1 to 31.


DATE( ) returns the current system date if it is issued without the optional arguments. Include the optional arguments to return a year 2000-compliant Date value. For more information about creating year 2000-compliant Date values, see Year 2000 Date Support in Chapter 33, “Programming Improvements,” in the Programmer’s Guide.

No Microsoft Visual FoxPro commands or functions can directly change the system date.

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