DynamicBackColor, DynamicForeColor Properties Example
The following example uses the DynamicBackColor property and the SetAll method to specify the background colors for the records in a Grid control. If the number of a record displayed in the Grid is even, the record's DynamicBackColor is white, otherwise its DynamicBackColor is green.
A Grid control is placed on a form, and the customer
table is opened and its contents displayed in the Grid. The Caption property is used to specify a different header caption (Customer ID) for the CUST_ID field. A command button is placed on the form to close the form.
CLOSE ALL && Close tables and databases
OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + 'Data\testdata')
USE customer IN 0 && Opens Customer table
frmMyForm = CREATEOBJECT('Form') && Create a Form
frmMyForm.Closable = .f. && Disable the Control menu box
frmMyForm.AddObject('cmdCommand1','cmdMyCmdBtn') && Add Command button
frmMyForm.AddObject('grdGrid1','Grid') && Add Grid control
frmMyForm.grdGrid1.Left = 25 && Adjust Grid position
frmMyForm.grdGrid1.SetAll("DynamicBackColor", ;
"IIF(MOD(RECNO( ), 2)=0, RGB(255,255,255) ;
, RGB(0,255,0))", "Column") && Alternate white and green records
frmMyForm.grdGrid1.Visible = .T. && Grid control visible
frmMyForm.cmdCommand1.Visible =.T. && "Quit" Command button visible
frmMyForm.grdGrid1.Column1.Header1.Caption = 'Customer ID'
frmMyForm.SHOW && Display the form
READ EVENTS && Start event processing
DEFINE CLASS cmdMyCmdBtn AS CommandButton && Create Command button
Caption = '\<Quit' && Caption on the Command button
Cancel = .T. && Default Cancel Command button (Esc)
Left = 125 && Command button column
Top = 210 && Command button row
Height = 25 && Command button height
CLEAR EVENTS && Stop event processing, close Form
CLOSE ALL && Close table and database