HOME( ) Function

Example   See Also

Returns the names of the Visual FoxPro and Visual Studio directories.







Specifies that HOME( ) returns the name of a specific Visual FoxPro or Visual Studio directory. Note that omitting nLocation is identical to HOME(0).

The following table lists the values for nLocation and the directory the HOME( ) returns. The directories listed below assume that you chose the default installation directory when you installed Visual FoxPro or Visual Studio.

nLocation Directory
0 or omitted The directory from which Visual FoxPro was started.
1 The Visual FoxPro installation root directory.
2 The directory containing the Visual FoxPro samples. This directory is identical to the samples directory in the _SAMPLES system variable.
3 The Visual Studio Common directory.
4 The Visual Studio Common\Graphics directory.
5 The Visual Studio and MSDN samples directory.
6 The Visual Studio Common\Tools directory.


HOME( ) is similar to SYS(2004) and is provided for compatibility with dBASE IV.

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