ISREADONLY( ) Function

Example   See Also

Determines whether a table is opened read-only.


ISREADONLY([nWorkArea | cTableAlias])




nWorkArea | cTableAlias

Returns the read-only status for a table open in another work area. nWorkArea specifies the work area number and cTableAlias specifies the table or work area alias. ISREADONLY( ) returns false (.F.) if a table isn't open in the work area you specify.

If you don't specify a work area number or a table or work area alias, the read-only status is returned for the table open in the current work area.


ISREADONLY( ) returns true (.T.) if a table is opened read-only; otherwise, ISREADONLY( ) returns false (.F.).

A table can be opened read-only by including the NOUPDATE option when opening the table with USE, by checking the Read Only check box when opening the table from the Open dialog box, or by assigning MS-DOS read-only attributes to the table.

A cursor created with the SELECT – SQL command is always read-only.