MousePointer Property

Applies To   See Also

Specifies the shape of the mouse pointer when the mouse is over a particular part of an object at run time. Available at design time and run time.


Object.MousePointer[ = nType]



The settings for the MousePointer property are:

Setting Description
0 (Default) Shape determined by the object.
1 Arrow.
2 Cross. A cross-hair pointer.
3 I-Beam.
4 Icon. A small white square within a black square.
5 Size. A four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east, west.
6 Size NE SW. A double arrow pointing northeast and southwest.
7 Size NS. A double arrow pointing north and south.
8 Size NW SE. A double arrow pointing northwest and southeast.
9 Size WE. A double arrow pointing west and east.
10 Up Arrow.
11 Hourglass.
12 No Drop.
13 Hide Pointer.
14 Arrow.

Note   When you set the MousePointer property using the property sheet, the drop-down list displays the settings names used in Visual FoxPro for Windows.


You can use the MousePointer property to indicate changes in functionality as the mouse pointer passes over controls on a form or dialog box. You can set the MousePointer property to 11 (Hourglass or Wristwatch) to indicate that the user should wait for a process to finish.