RELATION( ) Function

Example   See Also

Returns a specified relational expression for a table open in a specific work area.


RELATION(nRelationNumber [, nWorkArea | cTableAlias])





Specifies which relation is returned. For example, if nRelationNumber is 3, RELATION( ) returns the relational expression for the third relation created.


Specifies the work area for a table open in another work area. If a table isn't open in the work area you specify, RELATION( ) returns the empty string.


Specifies the table alias for a table open in another work area.


RELATION( ) by default returns relational expressions for the table in the currently selected work area. It returns the empty string if no relations exist. For additional information about creating relations between tables, see SET RELATION.

DISPLAY STATUS and LIST STATUS display relational expressions. Issue MODIFY DATABASE to display the Database Designer, allowing you to view and modify relations between tables in the current open database. Issue SET to display the Data Session window, allowing you to view and modify relations between free tables.