ScrollBars Property

Applies To   See Also

Specifies the type of scroll bars an edit box, form, or grid has. Available at design time; read/write at run time.


[Form.]Control.ScrollBars[= nType]



For an edit box, the settings are:

Setting Description
0 None
2 (Default) Vertical

For a form, the ScrollBars property settings are:

Setting Description
0 (Default) None
1 Horizontal
2 Vertical
3 Both vertical and horizontal

For a grid, the ScrollBars property settings are:

Setting Description
0 None
1 Horizontal
2 Vertical
3 (Default) Both vertical and horizontal


If enabled, the scroll bars are displayed automatically when the form, grid, or edit box contains more information than can be displayed in the space provided. The Scrollbars property setting is evaluated for a form when the form is instantiated.

If an Active Document displays a form that has scroll bars, the scroll bars are displayed on the form when the viewport size is smaller than the size of a rectangle enclosing all the controls on the form.

The Scrollbars property is ignored for _SCREEN.