SQLMORERESULTS( ) Function Example

The following example assumes SQLCONNECT( ) is successfully issued, and its return value is stored to a memory variable named gnConnHandle. SQLSETPROP( ) is used to set the BatchMode property to false (.F.) so the individual result sets can be retrieved.

SQLMORERESULTS( ) is issued twice to create two cursors containing the results of the SQLEXEC( ) query. SET is used to display the View window and the cursors created by SQLEXEC( ).

= SQLSETPROP(gnConnHandle, 'BatchMode', .F.)  && Individual result sets
= SQLEXEC(gnConnHandle, 'SELECT * FROM authors;
   SELECT * FROM titles')
= SQLMORERES(gnConnHandle)  && First result set
= SQLMORERES(gnConnHandle)  && Second result set