Style Property

Applies To   See Also

Specifies the style of a control. Available at design time and run time.


[Form.]Control.Style[= nType]



For ComboBox controls, the settings for the Style property are as follows:

Setting Description
0   Drop-down Combo. Includes a drop-down list and an edit area. The user can select from the list or enter characters in the edit area.
2   Drop-down List. The user must select from the drop-down list.

Follow these guidelines in deciding which setting to choose:

Setting Description
0   Standard.
1   Graphical. The button appears like a command button. It can contain both graphics and text. When the button contains both, the text is always centered at the bottom of the button.

For CommandButton controls, the settings for the Style property are as follows:

Setting Description
0   Standard
1   Invisible

For TextBox controls, the settings for the Style property are:

Setting Description
0   (Default) Normal.
1   Included for backward compatibility with the FoxPro version 2.x @ ... SAY command. The TextBox is read-only and cannot receive the focus.