SYS(2014) - Minimum Path

See Also

Returns the minimum path relative to the current or specified directory for a specified file.


SYS(2014, cFileName [, Path])





Specifies the name of the file for which SYS(2014) returns the minimum path. If you omit Path, SYS(2014) returns the minimum path between the file and the current directory. You can change the current directory with SET DEFAULT.


Specifies a directory for which SYS(2014) returns the minimum path between the specified directory and the file specified with cFileName.


SYS(2014) can be used with FULLPATH( ) to make applications portable. That is, when given the location of the current program and the location of other files used by the program, FULLPATH( ) and SYS(2014) obtain the proper paths for these files. Once the files' paths are determined, the files can be accessed by the program.