Component Gallery Toolbar

See Also

Provides a Move icon, a View Type drop-down list, and a set of toolbar buttons.

Move Icon

Located on the far left side of the toolbar, the Move icon changes whenever you select a gallery item. To move a selected gallery item, drag the Move icon to the desktop, a form, or a project and then drop the item.

View Type

Displays a drop-down list of the available default and user-defined views of the Component Gallery.

The toolbar contains the following buttons:

  Button Description
Class Browser Toggles between the Component Gallery and the Class Browser for editing of class properties, methods and events.
Open Catalog Displays the Open Catalog dialog box so that you can open a catalog. ActiveX, My Base Classes and Microsoft Visual FoxPro Catalog are supplied as default catalogs. You can add new catalogs to the Component Gallery in the New tab of the Options Dialog box. Right-click to select from a list of available catalogs,
Options Opens the Component Gallery Options dialog box to create new catalogs or to specify Component Gallery settings including file locations, and global settings.
Find Opens the Find Component dialog box so you can search the Component Gallery according to user-defined criteria and save the search as a view of the Component Gallery.
UP One Level Moves selection one level up the folder hierarchy, if possible.
Large Icons Displays Component Gallery items as large icons.
Small Icons Displays Component Gallery items as small icons.
List Displays Component Gallery items as a list.
Details Displays the icon, object name, and type of Component Gallery items.