Item Shortcut Menu

Provides item-specific and general functionality to Component Gallery items. The menu provides the following functions when you right-click a Component Gallery folder.


Moves the selected item to the Gallery clipboard. The gallery item is dimmed (similar to Windows Explorer behavior). When a Paste operation occurs, the item is removed from the original location (its record marked as Deleted). This menu item is disabled for items contained in dynamic folders. Cut is always disabled for Catalog folders.


Places a copy of the selected item in the Gallery clipboard. The item is not dimmed. Unlike a Cut, when a Paste operation occurs, the Component Gallery creates a new copy of the gallery item.

Create Link

Makes a link of the Item and selects the new linked Item. This menu item is disabled in a dynamic folder.


Deletes the Item from the catalog. A message box is first displayed confirming the operation. This menu item is disabled in a dynamic folder.


Renames the Item. This menu item is disabled in a dynamic folder.


Displays the Item Properties dialog box to edit specific properties of the selected Item.