Converting Visual FoxPro 3.0 Files

See Also

Visual FoxPro converts version 3.0 project (.pjx), screen (.scx), and class library (.vcx) files to Visual FoxPro version 5.0 or later formats. You can automatically convert all files that require conversion by using Visual FoxPro version 5.0 or later to open the project that contains them. You can also open individual screen, class library, report, and label files to start the Visual FoxPro Converter, CONVERT.APP, located in the Visual FoxPro directory.

To convert files to Visual FoxPro version 5.0 or later

Converting to Visual FoxPro adds source code control to the features provided in Visual FoxPro 3.0 project files. In addition, Visual FoxPro 3.0 screen and class library files are converted to retain Visual FoxPro version 5.0 or later default settings for FontBold, FontSize, and ColorSource properties.

Property 3.0 Setting 5.0 and later Setting
FontBold True False
FontSize 10 points 9 points
ColorSource 0 4

For details on project (.pjx) file structure changes, see Table File Structure.