When an instance of the Class Browser is opened, the properties are set to the default values shown in the following table.
Class Browser property | Initial setting |
caddin | |
caddinmethod | |
calias | |
Caption | Class Browser |
cbaseclass | |
cbrowsertable | |
cclass | |
cclasslibrary | |
cclasstimestamp | |
cclasstype | |
cdragicon | |
cfilename | |
cfilter | |
cgetfileext | vcx;scx;pjx;exe;olb;tlb |
clastgetfileext | |
clastsetcomp | |
clastsetesc | |
clastsetudfparms | |
clastvalue | |
cparentclass | |
cparentclasssymbol | (IIF(VERSION(3)==00,CHR(171),<)) |
cplatform | |
cprogramname | |
cstartname | |
DataSession | 2 |
FontBold | .F. |
FontName | MS Sans Serif |
FontSize | 8 |
Height | 360 |
HelpContextID | 95825501 |
Icon | Browser.ico |
lautoexpand | .T. |
ldescriptions | .T. |
ldisplayhierarchyerror | .T. |
Left | 0 |
lparentclassbrowser | .T. |
MinHeight | (175) |
MinWidth | (250) |
Name | classbrowser |
natpos | 0 |
nclasscount | 0 |
nclasslistindex | -1 |
ndisplaymode | 1 |
nfilecount | 0 |
ninstances | 0 |
nlastheight | (this.Height) |
nlastrecno | 1 |
nlastwidth | (this.Width) |
nmousebutton | 0 |
npixeloffset | 22 |
nreccount | 0 |
nshift | 0 |
nstrlen | 0 |
ntimestamp | 0 |
oparentclassbrowser | .NULL. |
osource | .NULL. |
ShowTips | .T. |
Top | -1 |
Width | 462 |