Code Generation Wizard

See Also

In the Code Generation Wizard, you specify a source Microsoft Visual Modeler (.mdl) file and the destination Visual FoxPro library (.vcx) file. The destination file serves as the default library for objects that aren't already mapped to specific Visual FoxPro classes.

This wizard is available for registered Visual FoxPro owners at the Visual FoxPro web site:

The Code Generation Wizard next provides access to the source object model so you can modify the classes or libraries it contains. After you specify the elements of the object model you want to import, the wizard helps you specify the Visual FoxPro base class or user-defined class to substitute for undefined parent classes, and resolve naming and inheritance conflicts caused by differences between Visual FoxPro and Visual Modeler object model support.

You can then display the classes in the Visual FoxPro Class Browser and, optionally, update the original model.

To run the Code Generation Wizard

  1. On the Tools menu, click Wizards, and then click All.

  2. In the Wizard Selection dialog box, choose Code Generation Wizard.

Wizard Steps

Step 1 - Select Source and Destination
Step 2 - Select Classes and Properties
Step 3a - Specify Default Base Class
Step 3b - Specify Base Class Substitutes
Step 4a - Resolve Naming Conflicts
Step 4b - Resolve Inheritance Conflicts
Step 5 - Finish