One-To-Many Report Wizard

See Also

Creates a report that groups records from a parent table with records from a child table. The wizard prompts you with simple questions as you go through a brief series of steps, in which you specify the table and fields that you want to use to create controls on your report.

To run the One-To-Many Report Wizard

  1. From the Wizards submenu on the Tools menu, choose Report.

  2. In the Wizard Selection dialog box, choose One-To-Many Report Wizard.

Wizard Steps

Step 1 - Select Parent Table Fields
Step 2 - Select Child Table Fields
Step 3 – Relate Tables
Step 4 – Sort Records
Step 5 - Choose Report Style
Step 6 - Finish

For more information, see "Using Wizards" in Chapter 1, Getting Started, and "Preparing for Relationships" in Chapter 3, Collecting Tables into a Database, both in the User's Guide; and "Indexing Tables" in Chapter 7, Working with Tables, in the Programmer's Guide.