Oracle Upsizing Wizard: Step 9 – Specify Cluster Key

See Also

In this step, you specify the key for the cluster. The cluster columns must correspond in both datatype and size for columns in each of the clustered tables; they need not correspond in value. You cannot specify integrity constraints as part of the definition of a cluster key column.

Dialog Box Options


Displays the cluster name. To select a different cluster, expand the list and select a cluster name.


Displays the table name. The first table you select should be the primary table in the cluster. To select a different table, click the DOWN ARROW and select a table name from the expanded list.

Available fields

Displays a list of fields in the specified cluster and table. You can choose any of these fields to be included in the cluster key.

Selected fields

Displays the fields selected to be included in the cluster key. Primary key fields are automatically included in this list; you can remove them or include additional fields from the list of available fields. The selected column list for the primary table becomes the pattern for the cluster key; the column names will become the names of the columns in the cluster.


Tests the selected fields to ensure they correspond in both datatype and size. If the selected fields don't pass the verification test, the Upsizing Wizard remains on this step.