Setup Wizard: Step 2 – Specify Components

See Also

Select the system features your application uses and the operating systems on which users can install your application. The wizard will create a setup routine that includes all necessary system files for the system features you specify.

The following table lists the sizes of files that could be included with your setup routine.

Option Size Select this option if your application
Visual FoxPro 6.0 Runtime 4 MB Requires the Visual FoxPro Runtime (Vfp6r.dll) to execute. This .dll will automatically be included with your application's files, and will be installed correctly on the user's computer.
Microsoft 8.0 Graph Runtime 2.2 MB Includes forms that use Graph 8.0 controls.
ODBC Drivers 4.3 MB Communicates with tables other than Visual FoxPro .dbf files. When you select this option the ODBC Drivers dialog box appears so that you can select the necessary drivers.
COM Components (varies) Includes a COM component consisting of an .exe or .dll file. For details, see "Adding COM Components," below.
ActiveX Controls (varies) Requires support for multiple in-process servers, or enhanced internet and web page functionality through installation of ActiveX controls.
HTML help engine 700K Provides the Microsoft HTML Help engine for the custom Help file in your application. For details, see Creating Graphical Help and the online Help for the HTML Help Workshop.

The sizes listed above represent the bytes used after the files have been installed on a user's hard disk. When the user runs the setup these sizes might be slightly exaggerated.

Adding COM Components

To include COM components as part of the application to install, you must provide additional information for the Setup Wizard.

To include COM components

  1. In Step 2 of the Setup Wizard, choose the option COM Components.

  2. In the Add COM Components dialog box, choose Add.

  3. In the Open dialog box, select the .exe or .dll file for the server, then choose OK. The component's accompanying .tlb and .vbr (.exe only) files must be available in the same location as the file you select.

    Note   The component file and its accompanying files can exist either inside or outside the distribution source directory.

If your COM component is an .exe file, you register it as local or remote. To do so, select it in the list of available components, click Details to display the COM Components Details dialog box, and then provide the following information:

If you want the setup routine to register remote servers automatically, choose Install remote COM components.

Repeat Steps 2 through 4 for each server you want to include.

For each server you add, you can view the version information stamped in a server resource as set via the Build Options dialog when the server was built.

To view version about COM components

Including an ActiveX Controls

To include ActiveX controls as part of the application to install, you must specify one or more controls to the Setup Wizard.

To include an ActiveX control

  1. In Step 2 of the Setup Wizard, choose the option ActiveX controls.

  2. In the Add ActiveX controls dialog box, check the controls you want to add.

  3. When you have selected all controls you want to add, click Close.

Including HTML Help

There are three steps to providing Help in your application:

  1. Create one or more help source files,

  2. Connect the topics or files to a menu item, control, property, or event. For example, you can use the following Visual FoxPro features:

    SET HELP TO file,
    HelpContextID property
    WhatsThisHelpID property

  3. Use Microsoft HTML Help Workshop to create the help files to include in your application.

For information on the different ways to provide help information in your application, see HTML Help, WinHelp 4.0, or Creating .dbf-Style Help.

See Also

Setup Wizard
Step 1 - Locate Files

Step 3 - Create Disk Image Directory

Step 4 - Specify Setup Options

Step 5 - Specify Default Destination Folder

Step 6 - Change File Settings

Step 7 - Finish