SQL Server Upsizing Wizard: Step 5 – Select Target Database

See Also

In this step you select the database on the data source server to which you want to copy tables.

After you have connected to a server and have chosen a data source, the tables you want to upsize, and the field data type mapping, you can use an existing database or create a new database as the destination for your upsized local database. If you chose a named connection in Step 2, you can use the database named in the connection or create a new database as the destination.


Available databases on 'database name'

This list is displayed when you select the Existing option button to add Visual FoxPro tables to an existing SQL Server database. Select the database into which you want to copy Visual FoxPro tables when you upsize.

New database name

This text box is displayed when the New option button is selected. Enter a name for the new database you want to create on the remote server to which you are upsizing. The name can be up to 30 characters in length and can include letters, digits, and the symbols #, $, and _. Spaces are not allowed.

If you upsize to an existing database, the wizard jumps to Step 8.

If you use a version of SQL later than 6.x, the wizard jumps to Step 8 whether you use an existing database or create a new one.