Table Wizard

See Also

Creates tables based on typical table structures. The Table Wizard lets you select a table that fits your needs from the list of sample tables. You can customize the table's structure and fields as you step through the wizard. You can also modify the table later after the wizard has saved the table.

If you have one or more databases open, the Table Wizard automatically adds the new table to the current database. If you add your table to a database, the Table Wizard provides automatic formatting of selected fields. If no databases are open, the wizard creates a free table.

To run the Table Wizard

Wizard Steps

Step 1 – Select Fields
Step 1a - Select a Database
Step 2 - Modify Field Settings
Step 3 - Index the Table
Step 3a - Set Up Relationships
Step 4 - Finish

For more information, see "Using Wizards" in Chapter 1, Getting Started, and "Using Indexes" in Chapter 2, Creating Tables and Indexes, both in the User's Guide.