Enables you to
When you click close you can specify another HTML item, save the current data layout and style information, or proceed to Step 4.
This dropdown provides a list of (HTML tag) items you can add to your page.
Specify where on the web page you want the selected HTML item to appear – in the header, before data, or after data.
If the data layout you select supports frames, this listbox enables you to choose the frame in which to add the selected item
Text Formatting
Specify the exact text you want to display in the location you selected in Location.
Specify the HTML heading tag you want to apply to the specified text.
Bold (Strong)
Specify whether you want the specified text to be formatted bold.
Specify whether you want the specified text to be formatted italic.
Specify the font you want to use for the specified text. If you chose a Heading, this option is disabled and your web page will use the heading value set in the viewing browser.
Specify the font size you want to use for the specified text. If you chose a Heading, this option is disabled and your web page will use the heading value set in the viewing browser.
Specify the left-to-right page alignment of the specified HTML item.
Specify the foreground (default text) color of the specified HTML item.
Specify the color of the specified HTML item.
Specify or locate the file (or URL) you want to use in a Hyperlink or Image item selected in Type.
Contains a path reference to a class contained in a cascading style sheet (.css).