Class Designer

See Also

Use the Class Designer to visually create and modify classes. When the Class Designer window is active, Microsoft Visual FoxPro displays the Class menu. The View menu allows you to open complementary class design tools such as the Properties window, the Form Controls toolbar, and the Layout toolbar.

Classes are stored in class library (.vcx) files. To modify more than one class, you can open multiple class designers at the same time.

For detailed information on designing classes, see Chapter 3, Object-Oriented Programming, and the sections "Creating New Classes" in Chapter 2, Developing an Application, and "Saving Forms and Controls as Classes" in Chapter 9, Creating Forms, all in the Programmer's Guide.

The Class Designer window consists of:

The Class Window

Displays a single class. The Class window is anchored to the top-left corner of the Class Designer and cannot be moved unless the window contains toolbar types.


Specifies the active form within a form set. The Form box is enabled only when the type of class being modified is FormSet.


Specifies the active page within a page frame. The Page box is enabled only when the type of class being modified is PageFrame.