Form Designer

See Also

Use the Form Designer to visually create and modify forms and form sets. A form set consists of one or more forms that can be manipulated as a unit. Forms and form sets are objects with their own properties, events, and methods.

When the Form Designer window is active, Visual FoxPro displays the Form menu, the Form Controls toolbar, the Form Designer toolbar, and the Properties window.

For information about editing event and method code, see Chapter 9, Creating Forms, in the Programmer's Guide.

For detailed information on adding controls to a form, see the sections "Adding Controls to Forms" and "Adding Controls to a Form with a Builder," both in Chapter 6, Creating Databases, in the Programmer's Guide.

The Form Designer window consists of:

Form Window

Contains a single form on which you add and modify controls. More than one form window is displayed in the Form Designer when you modify a form set containing multiple forms. Form windows can be moved around within the Form Designer.