Creating the FileList Section

The [FileList] section allows explicit mappings between the file names inside the template directory and the web-relative URLs where they will be uploaded. It also allows you to upload files from subdirectories of the web template. Each line has the form filename=URL.

When you do not provide a [FileList] section, FrontPage scans the template directory and uploads all available files. However, it does not descend into subdirectories. All file names are converted to lowercase, and the URLs are set to be the same as the file names.

When you provide a [FileList], only the files mentioned in the section are uploaded. The URLs have the exact case as specified.

When you specify only the file name, the URL will be the same as the file name. Entries must still include the equal sign, like this:


You may refer to files in template subdirectories when creating a [FileList] section. You must use forward-slashes when specifying these directories in URLs.