Customizing the FrontPage Editor

The HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\FrontPage\Editor\Init Menus key has individual string values that specify each custom menu. Note that this key is independent of the version of FrontPage.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\FrontPage\Editor\Init Commands key has individual string values that specify each custom command. Note that this key is independent of the version of FrontPage.

The syntax for the strings are identical to those used for FrontPage Explorer extensions. However, the Editor respects some of the settings which are ignored (and required to be a fixed value) by the Explorer. Specifically:

0 Execute the command_line argument as an exe program file.
1 Insert the file pointed to by the command_line argument as HTML text. The file is inserted with paragraph breaks before and after.
2 Insert the literal text contained in the command_line argument as HTML. The text is inserted without paragraph breaks before and after, i.e. it is inserted directly inline.

The insert_flag argument must be 0 if menu_bar_num is set to zero, since there is no way to insert text into a non-existent document.

Some examples of using insert_flag with the FrontPage Editor are:

command1 = 2, 2, 1, Insert, Blin&king Text, “<blink>This text is blinking</blink>”,Marquee, 2, “Inserts blinking text.”, random.hlp!106

command2 = 2, 2, 1, Insert, Microsoft E&xcel Table, C:\MSOffice\Excel\Library\xlfptabl.htm, Blinking Text, 1, “Inserts a table into an Microsoft Excel Internet Assistant HTML template.”, xlia.hlp!504