FrontPage To Do List Automation

The following is a list of all the OLE automation methods supported by the FrontPage To Do List (using the OLE identifier FrontPage.ToDoList):

   void vtiShow();
   void vtiHide();
   BOOL vtiAddTask(LPCTSTR taskName, short priority, LPCTSTR createdBy, LPCTSTR url, LPCTSTR cookie, 
         LPCTSTR comment);
   long vtiGetActiveCount();
   BOOL vtiCompletedTaskByUrl(LPCTSTR url, LPCTSTR cookie);
   BOOL vtiWorkedOnTaskByUrl(LPCTSTR url, LPCTSTR cookie);
   BOOL vtiAddTaskAskUser(LPCTSTR taskName, short priority, LPCTSTR createdBy, LPCTSTR url, 
         LPCTSTR cookie, LPCTSTR comment);