The FrontPage Explorer Interface

The FrontPage Explorer is the main interface for OLE automation. It operates on web-level objects. A web is defined as a set of documents underneath a given URL directory that are made available by a web server running the FrontPage Server Extensions.

For example, is a web of interconnected documents all residing under the directory myweb on the server There is also the Root Web on this server (accessed via the URL, and several other top-level webs at /web1, /web2, and so on. FrontPage can administer and author in the Root Web and its immediate descendants.

A web has security attributes that define permissions for administrators, authors, and users. An administrator can create and delete webs, and set permissions for authors. An author can create, edit, and delete documents inside a web, and set permissions for users. A user can view the web using any browser program.

A web can contain persistent meta-info variables. These are stored as name-value pairs inside a configuration file within the web. The meaning of these variables is entirely application-specific, except for read-only variables defined by Microsoft that begin with the characters vti_.

Web pages have similar persistent meta-info attributes. Typically, these are used for administrative purposes (such as when was a page was created or last changed). Again, Microsoft reserves variables whose names start with vti_.

The current FrontPage Explorer OLE interface can create a web, delete a web, move documents from a local file system to a web server and vice versa, remove documents from a web, set and get web meta-info variables, get page meta-info variables, retrieve a list of files or images in the current web, launch the To Do List, and get the URL and title of the current web.