
C++: BOOL vtiAddTask(LPCTSTR TaskName, short Priority, 
            LPCTSTR CreatedBy, LPCTSTR URL, 
            LPCTSTR Cookie, LPCTSTR Comment);
VB: vtiAddTask(TaskName as String, Priority as Integer,
         CreatedBy as String, URL as String, 
         Cookie as String, Comment as String) as Integer


This method causes a new task to be appended to the To Do List.

Return Value

The return value is true (non-zero) for success, and false (zero) for failure.


TaskName is typically a short verb phrase, two or three words in length, which is used to identify the task. Examples: “Fix Mail Address”, “Create Image Map”.

Priority is a number between 1 and 3 identifying the importance of the task. These are displayed to the user as “High” (1), “Medium” (2), or “Low” (3).

CreatedBy is the name of the tool (program) adding the task. Example: “PageWizard”.

URL is the web document associated with this task. Most tasks involve editing some file stored in the web. This could be an HTML file, an image file, a movie file, or any other kind of file. HTML files are edited with the FrontPage Editor. Editors for other types of files can be configured from the Explorer. Examples: “index.htm”, “images/logo.gif”.

Cookie is a string meant to contain a reference to a part of a document, but it can be used for other application-specific purposes. For HTML files, this parameter can be set to a bookmark. Example: “#bookmark”.

Comment is a description of the task that contains details too lengthy to present in the TaskName parameter. Example: “change all email addresses to reflect our new domain name”.