
C++: long vtiApplyTheme(BSTR pszName, long dParams, BSTR fileList);
VB: vtiApplyTheme(Name as String, Params as Long, FileList as String) as Long


Applies a theme to all pages in the current web or just to the specified pages. A theme must be uploaded to the web before it can be applied; see vtiPutTheme.

Return Value

0 for failure

1 for success


Name specifies the theme to apply. This is the short name of the theme, the same as its directory name.

Params specifies the theme options to use, corresponding to the checkboxes in the FrontPage Explorer’s Themes View. There are currently three boolean parameters: Vivid Colors, Active Graphics, and Background Image. They are represented as nibbles (4 bits) containing 0x0 or 0x1 in a 32-bit integer as follows, where CC is the value for Colors, GG is the value for Graphics, and BB is the value for the Background:

0000 0000 00CC GGBB

FileList should be set to the empty string (“ ”) to apply the theme to all pages in the web. To apply the theme to only certain pages, set it to a newline-delimited list of web-relative URLs.