
C++: CString vtiGetPageList(long lType);
VB: vtiGetPageList(Type as Long) as String


This method returns a list of all the documents of a given type (currently HTML, Image, or All) in the current web. Each document in the web has an associated title, analagous to the TITLE tag in a web page. Both the document title and web-relative URL are returned to the caller.

Images are currently defined as any file whose names end in “.gif”, “.jpg”, or “.jpeg”; this definition is subject to change. HTML files are determined by a match with the vti_HtmlExtensions web meta-info variable (see vtiGetWebMetaInfo).

Return Value

The return string has two lines for each document, the first holding the document title and the second the document URL. If a document doesn’t have a title attribute, the returned title will be the same as the document URL. Each string ends with a newline character (“\n” in C++, or “CHR$(10)” in Visual Basic). If there is no current web or there are no documents in the current web, the result is an empty string.

Example: “Home Page\nindex.htm\nCorporate Logo\nimages/logo.” (where “\n” is the newline character, not “\” followed by “n”).


Type defines which types of files to get back in the list. The legal values are described below. The list may be extended in the future to include other document types.

value file type
0 All pages
1 HTML pages
2 Images (currently, those with the extensions .GIF, .JPG, or .JPEG)
3 Video files
4 Executable files
5 Sound files
6 Database files
7 HTX files
8 PowerPoint animation files
9 CDF files