
C++: BSTR vtiGetPagesInFolder(LPCTSTR pszFolderUrl, long lType);
VB: vtiGetPagesInFolder (FolderURL as String, Type as long) as String


This method returns a newline-delimited list of page titles and URLs, of the given type, that are found in the named folder. Use this method as a general way to access the list of files in a folder. Supply an empty string to get the list of pages in the top-level folder.

Return Value

A newline-delimited list of page titles and URLs. The format is “title1\nURL1\ntitle2\nURL2\n”.


FolderUrl is a string containing the name of the folder to look in for files.

Type is types of files to return in the list of files in the folder. The legal values are the same as those for vtiGetPageList, and are described below. The list may be extended in the future to include other document types.

value file type
0 All pages
1 HTML pages
2 Images (currently, those with the extensions .GIF, .JPG, or .JPEG)
3 Video files
4 Executable files
5 Sound files
6 Database files
7 HTX files
8 PowerPoint animation files
9 CDF files