
C++: CString vtiGetWebMetaInfo(LPCTSTR szKey);
VB: vtiGetWebMetaInfo(Key as String) as String


This method looks up a key in the web’s meta-info dictionary and returns its value. All keys beginning with the characters “vti_” are reserved. See vtiPutWebMetaInfo for a description of how to define your own web variables. The FrontPage Server Extensions define and maintain the following read-only meta-info keys:

   vti_autorecalc         example: “1”
   vti_casesensitiveurls      example: “1”
   vti_extenderversion      example: “”
   vti_featurelist      example: “vti_ServiceRename”
   vti_htmlextensions      example: “.html.htm.htm.”
   vti_httpdversion      example: “Apache/0.6.5”
   vti_longfilenames      example: “1”
   vti_retartmanual      example: “0”
   vti_textextensions      example: “.txt.”
   vti_timecreated      example: “28 Jun 1995 20:21:11 EDT”
   vti_welcomenames      example: “index.html index.htm”

The keys in FrontPage dictionaries are case-sensitive, and all built-in keys are now all lower-case. Wizards written for FrontPage 1.1 should be changed to always use all lower-case when accessing built-in keys. All time variables are stored in RFC 1123 format. Boolean variables are either “0” (False) or “1” (True). Extensions are reported as a string separated and terminated by dots (“.”). Multiple values are separated by spaces. The following are notes on particular keys:

Return Value

The value of the requested key, or the empty string if no such key exists.


Key is the name of the meta-info value to retrieve.