
C++: CString vtiGetWebPageMetaInfo(LPCTSTR szURL, LPCTSTR szKeyName);
VB: vtiGetWebPageMetaInfo(URL as String, KeyName as String) as String


This method looks up the value of an attribute in the dictionary of meta-info for the named document in the current web. Each document in the web, including image files, has a separate meta-info dictionary which is independent of the web’s meta-info dictionary. The keys in FrontPage dictionaries are case-sensitive, and all built-in keys are now all lower-case. Wizards written for FrontPage 1.1 should be changed to always use all lower-case when accessing built-in keys.

Return Value

The return value is a string containing the value of the requested key, or the empty string if the key doesn’t exist.


URL is a string containing the name of a document in the current web. Examples: “index.htm”, “images/logo.gif”.

KeyName is one of the words from the following list. All entries beginning with the characters “vti_” are reserved. All keys are case-sensitive (prior to FrontPage 97, they were case-insensitive). The currently available keys include:

   vti_author       example: “ellen”
   vti_editor       example: “FrontPage Frames Wizard”
   vti_extenderversion    example: “”
   vti_filesize       example: “3243”
   vti_linkinfo       example: “FHUS|index.htm FSUS|images/logo.gif”
   vti_modifiedby        example: “jeff”
   vti_timecreated    example: “06 Aug 1997 14:19:19 EDT”
   vti_timelastmodified    example: “02 Nov 1997 08:52:53 EST”
   vti_title       example: “Policies and Procedures”

The following are notes about particular keys:

The following table explains the type coding characters stored in the vti_linkinfo page meta-info variable. The link information is stored as a space-separated list of URLs, each preceded by four (4) letters encoding the type of link on the page and a vertical bar (‘|’). In FrontPage 1.0, there were only two type coding characters; in FrontPage 1.1, the third and fourth characters were reserved, and the set of possible values for the first two characters was expanded. Links appear in the same order as they are found on the page.

position code meaning
0: URL status N referenced URL not found
F referenced URL is a file
S referenced URL is an executable script
W referenced URL is a directory (ending in ‘/’), and directory has a valid welcome page (such as index.htm)
D referenced URL is a directory (ending in ‘/’), but directory doesn’t have a valid welcome page (such as index.htm)
1: link type H link is an HREF (in <A> construct)
L link is an imagemap HREF
B link is a FrontPage component-generated HREF
C link is a FrontPage Table of Contents generated HREF
A link is an ACTION (in <FORM> construct)
S link is a SRC attribute (in <IMG> construct)
M link is a SRC attribute (in an imagemap)
I link is an included page (from FrontPage Include component)
T link is a text index (from FrontPage Search component)
Y link is a style source page
F link is a frame SRC attribute (in <FRAME> construct)
D link is a data source, such as for script code
K link is a bookmark
U link is of an unknown type
2: link security U unknown; always set to ‘U’ in FrontPage 1.1
H HTTP protocol
S SSL protocol
T SHTTP protocol
3: link method S static; always set to ‘S’ in FrontPage 1.1
D dynamic; link to page through SHTML program or library

As an example, the link information for a page might be as follows:

FHUS|goodpage.htm NHUS|badpage.htm SSUS|cgi-bin/foo.exe FSUS|images/logo.gif

This would mean that the page contains a valid link to “goodpage.htm”, an invalid link to “badpage.htm”, a valid link to the script file “cgi-bin/foo.exe”, and a valid in-line image referencing “images/logo.gif”.