
C++: BSTR vtiGetWebStructureRelations(BSTR pszUrl, long lRelationType);
VB: vtiGetWebStructureRelations(Url as String, RelationType as Long) as String


Provides a way to query the current web for information about its structure tree, as displayed by the FrontPage Explorer’s Navigation View.

Return Value

A list of newline-delimited records containing URL and Label information for the nodes that match the given RelationType. Each record consists of two lines, the URL followed by the Label. If the given node is not in the structure tree or does not have any relationships of the requested type, an empty string is returned.


Url is the web-relative URL of the node you want to query for its structural relations.

RelationType is an integer denoting the type of relationship being queried. The following table shows the available type codes and their meanings.

0 Nodes on level above given page (all siblings of its Parent node)
1 Child nodes for given page
2 Sibling nodes of given page (includes given page at appropriate position in list)
3 Next sibling node of given page
4 Previous sibling node of given page
5 Top-level pages for current web (includes home node at appropriate position in list)
6 Home node for current web
7 Parent node for given node
8 Self (returns info for given node)
9 Home, Up, Previous, and Next nodes (in that order) for given node; always returns 4 records, but some may be empty