
C++: long vtiMakeThemeFresh(BSTR pszWebUrl, BSTR pszThemeName, boolean bAllowUpload, boolean bAllowDownload);
VB: vtiMakeThemeFresh(WebUrl as String, ThemeName as String, AllowUpload as Boolean, AllowDownload as Boolean) as Long


Synchronizes the versions of  a FrontPage Theme currently installed on the local machine and in the current FrontPage web. The theme with the higher version number is used to update the theme with the lower version number if the Boolean flags allow it.

Return Value

0 for failure

1 for success


WebUrl specifies the web to be operated on. You can get this value using vtiGetWebURL.

ThemeName is the short name of the theme to be synchronized. This is the same as the theme’s directory name.

AllowUpload should be set to True to allow the theme files to be uploaded to the web from the local machine if necessary.

AllowDownload should be set to True to allow the theme files to be downloaded from the web to the local machine if necessary.