
C++: long vtiPutTheme(BSTR pszThemeDirname, BSTR pszThemeVersion, BSTR pszFileList, BSTR pszLocThemesDir);
VB: vtiPutTheme(ThemeDirname as String, ThemeVersion as String, FileList as String, LocThemesDir as String) as Long


Uploads a theme from the user’s machine to the current web.

Return Value

0 for failure

1 for success


ThemeDirname is the short name of the theme, the same as the theme’s directory name. Example: “mytheme”.

ThemeVersion is the version number of the theme, as recorded in the theme’s INF file. Example: “1.01”.

FileList is a newline-delimited list of files to be uploaded. These are not absolute paths, but relative to the local directory specified by the LocThemesDir parameter. Example: “mytheme.inf\nmytheme.elm”.

LocThemesDir is an absolute path to the local directory containing the files specified in the FileList parameter. Example: “c:\temp\mytheme”.