
C++: long vtiPutWebMetaInfo(LPCTSTR szNameValuePairs);
VB: vtiPutWebMetaInfo(NameValuePairs as String) as Long


This method modifies the dictionary of name-value pairs that are available to any web document. At the moment the main use for these attributes is in conjunction with the FrontPage Substitution component, but many other applications are possible. This method forces an update of all web documents that depend on the meta-info data. See vtiGetWebMetaInfo for information on how to retrieve web meta-info settings, and for a listing of the variables defined by the FrontPage Server Extensions.

All keys beginning with the characters “vti_” are reserved.

This is a blocking call.

NOTE: If the FrontPage Explorer has no open web, calling this method may cause the FrontPage Explorer to display the message “System exception: access violation.” To avoid this problem, check that the string returned by vtiGetWebURL is not empty before calling this method.

Return Value

The return value is currently 1 for success and 0 for failure, but this may change to include other status codes in the future.


NameValuePairs is a string containing a list of names and values separated by colon (“:”) characters. Each name-value pair is separated by a newline delimiter character (“\n” in C++, or “CHR$(10)” in Visual Basic). The names are case insensitive; the web server will store them in all lower-case. Example: “companyname:Microsoft\nfax:555-1212”.