
C++: long vtiPutWebPageMetaInfo(LPCTSTR pszURL, 
  LPCTSTR pszNameValuePairs);
VB: vtiPutWebPageMetaInfo(PageURL as String, 
  NameValuePairs as String) as Long


This method sets one or more meta-info variables for the named web page. The keys in FrontPage dictionaries are case-sensitive, and all built-in keys are now all lower-case. Wizards written for FrontPage 1.1 should be changed to always use all lower-case

when accessing built-in keys.

This is a blocking call.

Return Value

The return value is currently 1 for success and 0 for failure, but this may change to include other status codes in the future.


PageURL designates an HTML page in the current web. Example: “index.htm”.

NameValuePairs is a string containing meta-info names and values. Each name is followed by a colon (“:”), then the value, and a newline (“\n” in C++, or CHR$(10) in Visual Basic). Example: “name1:value1\nname2:value2\n”.