
C++: long vtiQueryWebPageEx(BSTR szURL, BSTR szWebURL, boolean* bDirty, boolean* bWritable);
VB: vtiQueryWebPageEx(URL as String, WebURL as String, 
   Dirty as Boolean, Writable as Boolean) as Long


Provides a way to query the state of the “has-changed” and “is-writable” flags of a document being edited by the FrontPage Editor.

Return Value

1 - success

0 - failure


URL is the either the full URL of the page, or the web-relative URL of the page.

WebURL is either NULL (if you specify a full PageUrl) or the URL of the FrontPage web which contains PageUrl.

Dirty is an output parameter that is set to True if the document has been changed since being loaded.

Writable is an output parameter that is set to True is the document can be modified.