
C++: long vtiRemoveWeb(LPCTSTR szWebName);
VB: vtiRemoveWeb(WebName as String) as Long


This method removes the named web from the current web server, assuming the user has Administrator permissions for it.

NOTE: If the FrontPage Explorer has no open web, calling this method may cause a run-time OLE error in your program, with the message “The server threw an exception.” To avoid this problem, check that the string returned by vtiGetWebURL is not empty before calling this method. Also, be sure that the web name you pass to this method begins with an initial slash.

Return Value

The return value is currently 1 for success and 0 for failure, but this may change to include other status codes in the future.


WebName is the name of the web to remove. The parameter must match the name of a valid subweb on the same server as the current web, and must begin with an initial slash. Example: “/myweb”.