
C++: long vtiRenameDocument(BSTR pszURL, BSTR pszNewURL, boolean bUpdateBacklinks, boolean bIsFolder, boolean bCopy, boolean bForceOverwrite);
VB: vtiRenameDocument(URL as String, NewURL as String, UpdateBacklinks as Boolean, IsFolder as Boolean, Copy as Boolean, ForceOverwrite as Boolean) as Long


This method provides a way to rename a document or folder in the web and optionally patch all the links to it found in other documents in the web.

Return Value

0 for failure

1 for success


URL is the web-relative path to the document being renamed.

NewURL is the web-relative path where you want the document to be moved.

UpdateBacklinks should be normally be set to True so that all other pages referring to URL are changed to refer to NewURL.

IsFolder should be set True if URL is a folder instead of a document.

Copy can be set True if what you really wanted was to copy the original document rather than move it.

ForceOverwrite will cause any previous document at NewURL to be overwritten by URL. If it is False and NewURL exists, the user will receive a warning dialog.