Glossary U


A connectionless transport protocol that forms a user interface to the Internet Protocol (IP).


In OLE, a set of interfaces that allow data to be sent and received in a standard fashion, regardless of the actual method chosen to transfer the data.

unary operator

An operator that takes only one operand — for example, the increment (++) operator. See also binary operator, ternary operator.

unbalanced parentheses

The number of opening parentheses does not equal the number of closing parentheses.


The standard format for paths that include a local area network file server, as in \\server\share\path\filename.

undecorated name

In C++, the form that an identifier has in the source code (as a string of human-readable characters) as opposed to its decorated name, which consists of symbols that are meaningful only to the compiler and the linker.


Or loss of precision. A condition in which a mathematical calculation produces a result too near to zero to be represented by the range of binary digits available to the computer for holding that value in the specified precision. See also loss of significance.


The amount of white space between the edge of a character cell and the black part of the glyph. See also ABC width, overhang.

undo flag

A value, maintained by the edit control, that indicates whether an application can reverse the most recent operation on the edit control (to undo a text deletion, for example).


A 16-bit character set capable of encoding all known characters and used as a worldwide character-encoding standard. Windows NT uses Unicode exclusively at the system level.

Uniform Data Transfer

In OLE, a set of interfaces that allow data to be sent and received in a standard fashion, regardless of the actual method chosen to transfer the data.

Uniform Resource Identifier

A variant of Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Uniform Resource Locator

The address of a resource on the Internet. URL syntax is in the form protocol://host/localinfo, where protocol specifies the means of fetching the object (such as HTTP or FTP), host specifies the remote location where the object resides, and localinfo is a string (often a file name) passed to the protocol handler at the remote location. Also called Universal Resource Locator, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).


  1. In C/C++, a user-defined data type that can hold values of different types at different times. It is similar to a structure except that all of its members start at the same location in memory. A union variable can contain only one of its members at a time. The size of the union is at least the size of the largest member.

  2. The keyword used to define union variables.

  3. Two or more objects joined into one.

Universal Naming Convention

The standard format for paths that include a local area network file server, as in \\server\share\path\filename.

universally unique identifier

Or globally unique identifier (GUID).  A 128-bit value that uniquely identifies objects such as OLE servers, interfaces, manager entry-point vectors, and client objects. Universally unique identifiers are used in cross-process communication, such as RPC, and OLE.


In OLE, the process of unpacking parameters that have been sent across process boundaries.

unresolved external

An error report that results from the linker not being able to identify and link to a data type or function that is used in source code. Unresolved externals usually mean that a DLL or object file was missing during linking.

unsigned integer

A data type that can only hold a whole number with a value greater than, or equal to, zero. In this implementation, the maximum value that an unsigned integer can hold is 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295).

update handler function

A function that administers changes made to an object or data file to make it more current.

update option

A choice that is made about when and how a system, object, or data file will be changed to make it more current. For example, OLE linked objects, or items, can be automatically updated whenever possible, when the source document is saved, or only on request from the client application.

update region

Or invalid region. In Windows, identifies the portion of a window that is out-of-date or invalid and in need of repainting.


Actions or processes that make a system, object, or data file more current.

upper bound

The upper limit in an allowable range of values.


A variant of Uniform Resource Locator (URL).


The address of a resource on the Internet. URL syntax is in the form protocol://host/localinfo, where protocol specifies the means of fetching the object (such as HTTP or FTP), host specifies the remote location where the object resides, and localinfo is a string (often a file name) passed to the protocol handler at the remote location. Also called Universal Resource Locator, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).


Another name for Internet Newsgroups. A distributed bulletin board system running on news servers, UNIX hosts, online services and bulletin board systems. Collectively, all the users who post and read articles to newsgroups. The Usenet is international in scope and is the largest decentralized information utility, including government agencies, universities, high schools, and organizations of all sizes as well as millions of stand-alone PCs.

User Datagram Protocol

A connectionless transport protocol that forms a user interface to the Internet Protocol (IP).

User Network

Another name for Internet Newsgroups. A distributed bulletin board system running on news servers, UNIX hosts, online services and bulletin board systems. Collectively, all the users who post and read articles to newsgroups. The Usenet is international in scope and is the largest decentralized information utility, including government agencies, universities, high schools, and organizations of all sizes as well as millions of stand-alone PCs.

user-defined message

Any message that is not a standard Windows message.

user-interface object

In Windows, an object that provides functionality to the user-interface. For example, menu items, toolbar buttons, and accelerator keys are all user-interface objects.

user-interface thread

In Windows, a thread that handles user input and responds to user events independently of threads executing other portions of the application. User-interface threads have a message pump and process messages received from the system. See also worker thread.

user-interface thread

A thread that handles user input and responds to events and messages generated by the user. MFC provides a message pump for user interface threads.


A version of the Microsoft Foundation Class Library used to statically link MFC into a stand-alone user DLL so that the user DLL can incorporate some of the MFC classes.


A global time standard equivalent to Greenwich mean time (GMT).


Or globally unique identifier (GUID).  A 128-bit value that uniquely identifies objects such as OLE servers, interfaces, manager entry-point vectors, and client objects. Universally unique identifiers are used in cross-process communication, such as RPC, and OLE.