About Structures

The HTML Help API provides several objects that you work with using data structures.

When working with a structure, it is recommended that you use a Win32 function such as ZeroMemory, memcpy, or memset to clear out the address space of a structure that has been declared. This ensures that you start with a known quantity before making any modifications. For example, the following code fragment uses memset to make a copy of an HH_WINTYPE structure:

HH_WINTYPE hhWinType; //Create new wintype.
HH_WINTYPE *phhWinType; //Create a pointer to this wintype.
memset(phhWinType, //Requires "memory.h" header be included in the calling application.
hhWinType = *phhWinType; //Create a copy so we don't write directly.


Structures quick reference

Category Structure

Window types

ALink name/KLink keyword lookups

Notification messages

Full-text search

Error tracking

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