HH_POPUP structure

Use this structure to specify or modify the attributes of a pop-up window.

Used by

HH_POPUP structure syntax

typedef struct tagHH_POPUP

int cbStruct;
UINT idString;
LPCTStr pszText;
COLORREF clrForeground;
COLORREF clrBackground;
RECT rcMargins;
LPCTStr pszFont;

Member Description
cbStruct Specifies the size of the structure. This value must always be filled in before passing the structure to HtmlHelp().
hinst Instance handle of the program or DLL to retrieve the string resource from. Ignored if idString is zero, or if idString specifies a file name.
idString Specifies zero, a resource ID, or a topic number in a text file.
pszText Specifies the text to display if idString is zero.
pt Specifies (in pixels) where the top center of the pop-up window should be located.
clrForeground Specifies the RGB value to use for the foreground color of the pop-up window. To use the system color for the window text, specify -1.
clrBackground Specifies the RGB value to use for the background color of the pop-up window. To use the system color for the window background, specify -1.
rcMargins Specifies (in pixels) the margins to use on the left, top, right, and bottom sides of the pop-up window. The default for all rectangle members is -1.
pszFont Specifies the font attributes to use for the text in the pop-up window.

Use the following format to specify font family, point size, character set, and font format:

facename[, point size[, charset[ BOLD ITALIC UNDERLINE]]]

To omit an attribute, enter a comma. For example, to specify bold, 10-pt, MS Sans Serif font, pszFont would be:

MS Sans Serif, 10, , BOLD

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