Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine |
When Web Telephony Engine (WTE) is installed, it runs as a service under Windows 2000. Before installing WTE, read the information in the Read1st.txt file included in the Platform Software Developer' Kit.
To install the WTE software:
At a command prompt, type
where path is the location of the WTE installation files. The path may be a folder on the Platform SDK compact disc (CD) or a shared folder on your network that contains the WTE files.
Follow the instructions in the Setup wizard. During setup, you will be prompted to enter account information for the Web telephony service. In the Web telephony Service Configuration dialog box, type the Domain Name, User Name, and Password. Note that the domain\user must be an administrator. Whenever you change the password, be sure to also change the password for the Web telephony service, unless you are running in LocalSystem mode. The Local System Account does not require a password.
To run the WTE setup program unattended (if, for example, you are installing WTE on several machines at once), set the environment variable WTE_INSTALL_FLAGS to one of the following:
Note that the default installation directory for Web Telephony Engine is"%ProgramFiles%\Web Telephony Engine". With this default, the WTE service will be logged on to the Local System Account. See Running WTE in a Local System Account for more information.
To change the default installation directory in unattended setup, create a file named "wte.ini" in the %WINNT% directory, with the following:
[WTE Setup Install] Install Dir=<Directory_Name>
where <Directory_Name> is the directory in which you want WTE installed.
To silently uninstall the WebTelephony Engine (WTE) Server, run
<WTEInstallPath>\setupbin\setup.exe /u <options>
where <WTEInstallPath> is the WTE Server installation directory, and <options> can be one of the following:
The option to run WTE in a local system account is available during setup. Be aware, however, that this configuration means that many resources are not available to your WTE application.
Here are some specific resources that will be unavailable if you run WTE in a local system account:
Note If the computer on which you install WTE is not part of a Windows 2000 domain, WTE is installed as a stand-alone server. You can subsequently add the server to a Windows 2000 domain, and then join it to an array of WTE servers.