Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine |
The application configuration parameters are also exposed to COM applications through the WTE object model (OM). The OM allows you to create applications that administer and configure Web telephony applications programmatically. For example, you can use these objects in your setup program for a specific application to ensure that settings cannot be changed by an administrator, or to override the WTE default settings. You can also write stand-alone utility programs that work with any number of Web telephony applications, even when the applications reside on different computers. Every application configuration parameter accessible through the WTE administration tool is also exposed through the WTE COM objects.
The WTE objects are also accessible within Web telephony applications. An application can include scripts that call WTE objects to set configuration parameters at run time. However, note that configuration parameters modified within an application affect only the current instance of the application and are not saved when the instance is closed. By contrast, changes made through a setup program or administration utility affect the way all instances start running and may be saved between instances.
For more information about setting configuration parameters within an application, see Web Telephony Configuration Object.
For more information on using the WTE object model to administer Web telephony applications see Programming Administration and Configuration Tasks.