Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

How the Web Telephony Engine Renders a Web Page

The Web Telephony Engine (WTE) renders the content of an application's HTML pages from top to bottom. Any HTML elements that a graphical Web browser would render as text are read to the telephone caller by the engine using TTS (if the WTEApplication.RenderTTS property is TRUE). If an element has a wave file associated with it, the WTE plays the wave file and ignores any text associated with the element (see Using Wave Files). The WTE also ignores any graphics in an application's HTML pages.

When the WTE reaches an element that requires a response from the caller, such as a menu or a data-entry field, the engine stops rendering and waits for the caller to respond. Time-out values determine the length of time that the engine will wait for the caller's response. The engine continues rendering the application after the caller responds, navigating to the application's error-handling page if the caller commits too many time-out or data-entry errors. For more information about handling errors, see Handling Time-outs and Non-valid Keys.