Platform SDK: Web Telephony Engine

Ignoring Navigation Operations During Input

The WTE supports three navigation operations: back, home, and operator. The caller can use these operations to navigate backward through an application, navigate to the beginning of the application, and transfer the call to the operator. To invoke a navigation operation, the caller enters a DTMF digit specified in the BackKey, HomeKey, or OperatorKey property.

WTE applications typically need to ignore navigation operations while the caller is entering data into an entry field. Ignoring the navigation operations allows the caller to use the DTMF digits specified in the BackKey, HomeKey, and OperatorKey properties to enter data, and prevents an inadvertent navigation operation from occurring while the caller is entering data. To ignore navigation operations, set the IgnoreNavigationKeysTillTermination property to TRUE. This property applies only to entry fields created by the TEXTAREA element or text-type INPUT element.